Our Services

We believe that “Children learn best when they’re having fun!” and keeping the joy of childhood alive in children is essential for their healthy development and growth. We are committed in providing an exclusive and flexible play-based environment that cultivates an all-rounded holistic learning experience. Our programmes are developed based on each child’s individual development and we strive to build a basic core of positive mental health, as well as to inspire a love for life-long learning.
Adult-Child Interaction
Nurturing, responsive teachers practice primary caregiving and continuity of care by scaffolding the individual needs and temperaments of infants and toddlers. Key strategies for adult-child interactions are touching, holding, playing alongside infants and toddlers at their level and pace, communicating in give-and-take exchanges verbally and nonverbally, respecting children’s choices and encouraging their efforts, acknowledging children’s strong emotions, and involving toddlers in resolving conflicts.
Learning Environment
The physical space is safe, flexible, and child oriented to provide comfort and accommodate the changing developmental needs and interests of the earliest learners. The space is organized into play and care areas that serve the needs of infants and toddlers and stocked with a variety of sensory-motor materials that infants and toddlers can reach, explore, and play with in their own way at their own pace. With nurturing and responsive caregivers as a home base, infants and toddlers are free to move about, explore materials, exercise creativity, and solve problems.
Schedules and Routines
A consistent yet flexible routine that accommodates individual children’s natural rhythms and temperaments gives infants and toddlers a sense of security and stability that creates trust between the child and teacher and builds independence as children engage with their environment and the people around them. Each routine is built around daily events and caregiving routines that value infants’ and toddlers’ active learning.
Ongoing child and program assessment is an underlying component of the HighScope Curriculum. Objective observations of children allow teachers to intentionally plan to build on individual and group interests and scaffold development by supporting what children know while gently extending their learning.
Babysity Curriculum
Babysity curriculum are carefully devised from 4 main established early childhood curriculum. Apart from that, we practice scientific proven strategies in taking care, teaching and nurturing children